Sunday, November 22, 2009

the alpha, the omega, the beginning and the end...

so yesterday was the end of NCYC. it started out with the opening session. then i went to a workshop called Super Saint's. where the man named Robert Feduccia talked about different saint's and how they lived their lives. in particular he talked about St. Augustine and his mother St. Monica. he said that his mother has like St. Monica in which she was always the one taking him to church and be all holy. he told us that St. Monica said quote " If we were who we are, then we can set the world on fire". which if we gather as a whole, not as individuals, but as wholes then we can change the world. then after that me, rangeley, and connor went to a seminar called taking faith to college. there we learned about balance, of time for both school work and for the working of our faith.
then after that came a moment only some could dream of doing. the 3 of us danced on stage with Popple!! connor was in a blow up costume of a deer, i was in a blow up costume of a bull, and rangeley had a furry hat/face mask. we danced like there was no tomorrow. poor connor, his suit had not inflated right so it started to deflate on him. but mine was good. we had a ball dancing even if it was for like 5 minutes.
then as a group st johns of Chelmsford and of Hopkintin at dinner at Bull Dogs. eating dinner like a family. talking, laughing, praying, having a great time like any family would do at dinner. then came the finally to such a great few days. and no other way to close this amazing experience then with the mass. in the nose bleed seats of the Sprint Center seeing the entire arena pray and sing and worship as a whole was the greatest thing i have ever seen!
then the bitter sweet end to NCYC. bad because it was finally over and it felt like it had just started. but good because now we can take what we have learned in the past 4 days and pass it on to the youth of our parish, the church of today.
just a moment to thank kate for everything that she has done these past few days, making sure we are up and ready to get on the bus, making us laugh, being there to talk to, and giving me and connor and chelsea and rangeley and kevin the opportunity to come to this NCYC.
well now that I'm home there is only one thing left to do..sleep in my own bed and try to get more then 5 hours of sleep.


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