Thursday, November 19, 2009

Howdy! Rangeley here...We just landed in Kansas City and, lets get to the point, I'm soooooooo pumped for this weekend! While sitting in the airport the reality that we were in Kansas City hadn't set in yet, but now that we are in the hotel it's finally hitting me. We're here!!! Mostly I'm looking forward to tommorow...the first day of the conference. The image of 25000 youth coming together in one place has been burning in my mind and I can't wait to see it in reality. The energy in that crowd is going to be unstoppable! I am also a little nervous because of the sheer scope of NCYC. I mean, there's so many people and so much faith! Anyway I'll just have to wait and see! I got a great nights rest, and Im energized for the day that lies ahead! My prayer for today: Lord, please bring us all together as we truly start our NCYC experience. Help us be servants to your word and please show your great love through us. Ignite the fire of faith in everyone at this conference. Change us, revive us, inspire us, make us disciples to your name. Amen.

what a great day this is going to be! Peace.


  1. Glad you are there safe!
    Good luck with the eye drops!
    Hug Popple and all the CHWC friends you run into for me.
    Enjoy the experience and take care of each other. Love you, Mom

  2. Hey range. I'm happy that you are at NCYC because you can go in gods name and listen to you heart, and follow the right path. I know this sounds corny but I'm really happy that you are experiencing this wonderful event.

    Love your home-dog Bailey
