Saturday, November 21, 2009

Now its down to the nitty gritty...

Today was the first day of the real stuff, the workshops!!!

A lot of things hit me today in an awesome way and I'm very happy about all the has happened so far. After having to wake up early it was a very slow start for me today but the workshops woke me right up.

Starting with a lecture/presentation called "Eracism" which basically is aimed at getting rid of prejudices and finding the face of Christ in all you see. We learned a lot about people who give their lives and devote themselves to a certain cause and we were challenged to be "Champions of Diversity". It was a very informative seminar but in reality there wasn't a lot of intensely moving moments of the talk. However, the one thing that hit me really hard and the thing that I will keep with me is that race is an invented thing. We were reminded that race, technically, is an invented thing that isn't DNA or anything like that (I know some of you are saying, well skin color is in DNA, well thats not what race is! haha) . It's something that, as humans, we made up and its something that if we try hard enough, we can move past.

Next we went to XLT with Matt Maher which was just amazing...really nothing more to say.

The last thing that really stood out to me was from the abstinence talk from Jason Evert. I've heard him speak before and i knew what to expect but I really tried paying attention. All of his stories were great and funny but one thing really hit a note with me. He said "Love can't wait to give...lust can't wait to get." In high school, what we all think is love is most likely nothing more than lust. I know through personal experience that lust is a very dangerous i know your reading stop cringing its ok!...Staying away from that temptation is huge. Instead of thinking about what i want now or who i want now, i need to think about what will help me in the long run. I'm someone, probably one of the very few guys in high school, who thinks a lot about getting married, and there's nothing I want more than to have kids (again, mom don't worry at the right time!). I need to know that before i do anything i might regret i need to think about my future wife. I need to be the person i want to see in others. Love is an amazing gift, and agape (god's love) is an even greater gift. I continually pray for the day that i will find that rue love, but even more than that i continually pray that i learn more and more each an every day how much God loves me. I pray that each and every day my heart will open up just a little bit more for God, because no greater love than the love a parent has for their kids, and i am God's son.

All these people here show me the amazing love bestowed upon us by God. We are all blessed, in all our troubles, pains, joys, and in our laughter we are truly blessed. We all need to take that time to love and appreciate all that we have. In that, I want to thank God for all of my amazing, dad, mike, kenz, you guys are my rocks, and kate, i wouldn't be where i am without you and i would be half the person i am today, range kevin joe and chels(my other lil sis) thank you guys for sharing this experience with me and we're not done yet there's still a whole other day! All my friends back home, even if some of you don't understand why i do some things with the church or spend lots of time with the church when i could be hanging out with you, you guys are all awesome and support me in my adventures. Everyone in the church who made this possible, and all the volunteers parents and friends who have helped me be the person i am today. I cant thank you all enough, this trip isn't just for me, its for you guys who made me want to come to this because for a while you saw something in me that i didn't see in myself, and now i see that God in myself. I can't believe all this and i still have one more day! These few words are nothing compared to how much i should be thanking all of you, especially my mom dad and kate.

Thank you so much for reading and God bless...


Connor Wilkins

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the blogging, all of you! It's refreshing to read, I'm so proud of all of you. Wish I could be experiencing this with you and your blogs help me feel that way at least a little. Enjoy every minute of it and know how blessed you all are to have this opportunity! Love you! Mom (Andrea)
