Thursday, November 19, 2009

Denny's at midnight...a fair warning

We're just arriving back at the hotel after a late night Denny's meal. Now, I have no problem with chain restaurants, or even Denny's, but my stomach sure does. My Hooburrito is not sitting too well.

On the other hand, I am so happy to finally be at the hotel. After a long day of car rides, almost lost wallets (more on this later), plane rides, waiting, and more plane rides I'm very happy to finally be in the place i will be calling home for the next few days.

As for my wallet, well, in all honesty i am very irresponsible. I try so hard not to be but it seems as though before every trip or any big thing, i lose something! This time, i thought i was all set...bags packed and ready to go. When I arrived at the airport, i checked my pockets to pay Kate for my checked bag, there happened to be no wallet where i thought it was. Mr. Morton drove back to the airport, we tore apart the wallet. Searched the whole terminal and asked the wallet. So i had to make the call home to tell my WONDERFUL AMAZING BEAUTIFUL mother that I lost my wallet, the one with $190 of her money in it, and i don't think i will be able to board the plane without I.D. Fortunately, the crisis was adverted. With a call to my dad he went to my house, searched everywhere, and found my wallet under my "discard" pile of clothes on my bed that i wasn't going to be taking with me on the trip. And i was let on the plane....obviously.

So as for tomorrow...

Any nerves for me? Not really. Some of you reading wont be too surprised that my biggest anxiety comes from the issue of whether or not I'll be able to get up before 930 to eat the free hot breakfast. Although after tonight my stomach might break out and run away while i am sleeping. Who knows, i can only hope he stays at least for dinner tomorrow, I'm excited to eat some food from here!

However, my excitement level is on high, on a scale of 1-10, about a 9.887799.
I can't wait to see all 23000 kids who are here for the same thing I am. Already seeing the mass amount of people staying in our hotel that are here for the same thing we are has been cool. The music, opening, MATT MAHER, seeing POPPLE, and people from Catholic Heart Work Camp good golly gosh I'm super excited!

As for now, I'm hoping i can make it through my first night with all my intestines in tact and I hope i do not wake up with all the covers while laying on top of Rangeley, you know, to pour a little salt in the wound. I think we will be making some sort of pillow/clothes blockade in between us, but God knows i have some sort of super human power when I'm sleeping that will allow me to break right through that! Pray for Range...please.

Thank you to all who are reading and please continue to follow along...I can already sense that there will be some amazing things to come...

Love you all and God bless,

Connor Wilkins a.k.a "Witkins" (my hotel name)

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